

While the introverts among us would say they like being alone, even for them there is an aloneness they flee.  The aloneness that means there is no one to call when a problem arises, no one who will empathize, no one to eat with, no one to run home to...absolutely no one.  Few of us know what true aloneness (as I just described) really feels like, but I’d wager that most of us have had times when we have felt alone.  When our friends cannot seem to understand our predicament or our families aren’t thrilled with our life choices, or...well you get the idea.  But you know what I find encouragement in?  John 14:16-17 where it says “And I [Jesus] will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him.  You know Him, for He dwells within you and will be in you.”  As Jesus is preparing to leave His disciples He lets them know they will not be alone.  While they may feel like the only Christians on the face of the planet, Jesus tells that them God will be sending the Holy Spirit to “be with them forever”.  Not just till they got back on their feat after Jesus ascended into heaven, or not just when they were facing persecution, but forever.  And if you too believe that you are a sinner and that Jesus died on the cross and rose on the third day for your salvation, then you too have the Holy Spirit within you as your constant helper.  Even when we feel that God is distant do not forget that the Holy Spirit is right here with us as our constant counselor and comforter.  Hold on to that promise and find comfort in the presence of the Helper, the Holy Spirit.

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