bold proposition

Let me make a bold proposition: Most of us over-complicate our relationship with God.  We think faith is complicated, we find it difficult to see where God leads us, we cannot comprehend how God can be gracious and just, and so on.  Granted each of these things are hard and, yes, they are even complicated.  But let me make another proposition: Each of us should be like the blind man in John 9.  When we read the story of the blind man we see Jesus heal the man who has been blind his whole life.  After he is healed the Pharisees question how and when Jesus healed him.  The blind man simply states in verse 25: “One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”  Did you catch that?  In the complication of trying to figure out who this man Jesus is, in trying to understand how he was healed, the blind man goes back to the simple fact he knows - he was healed.  May we do the same.  When we are faced with trials or unknown futures, remember what Jesus has done in your life.  Go back to those first principles and rest in those.  Understanding the whys and the hows may not come.  But you can rest in these truths: that God did send His Son to die on a cross - bearing the penalty of our sin - and then rose on the third day.  The truth that God has given us life, breath, and does in fact guide us as we move through life.  Become like the healed blind man - that when faced with questions he remembered the  truth that he once was blind, but could now see.


Sarah Fendrich